“There will be more really great content too, but snagging it in an ocean of banal junk will be harder than ever. It is this avalanche of content that will make context the scarce resource.” words from Paul Saffo.

And the conversation continues '…context won’t really be the gold commodity of the time – “Point of view” will be. That quintessentially-human solution to information overload, an intuitive process of reducing things to an essential relevant and manageable minimum.’

Much like the 16th century proverb – ‘necessity is the mother of invention’, we are at a new point where technology can answer the current need – for context and Point of View out of the growing ocean of content. A solution with a narrowed focus, simplified implementation and the ability to quickly derive near perfect ‘Point of View’.

The necessity, the desire – to distill content into contextually accurate ‘Points of View’. If only there were an easily consumable technology – a RESTful service for instance or a common application that could answer the call... xAIgent and Doc-Tags!